Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Review

The Organic Chemistry Tutor ReviewThis article is all about the natural science and its effects on the quality of life and comfort levels. It can also help you learn the correct way to use these so that you can live a healthy life. I am glad to see that the world has come to recognize the importance of the mind and also that there are people who have made it a profession to study the natural science of stress.Stress is a very important part of every human life. Its effects are long lasting and they cannot be completely prevented, but a person must know how to manage the effects of stress. Stress is more serious than many diseases, there are several health problems associated with stress that include heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression, which also lead to a higher mortality rate.One of the best ways to prevent the effects of stress is to learn the techniques and tips about stress. There are many books and courses available in the market today that provi de an excellent education on the subject of stress. The best part about these books and courses is that the information provided by the author is first hand experience. In case the author is experienced in this field, the reader can feel sure that the information is accurate and reliable.But there are also some authors who are just trying to make money out of the situation by selling their products. In this case, you will not get the full value of the information you have paid for. One of the best ways to avoid scams and marketing gimmicks is to read reviews on the internet.One such book is The Organic Chemistry Tutor, a book written by Dr. Franklin Williams. It was produced by Dover Publications in America and it provides a comprehensive and authentic knowledge about the various aspects of stress. This book contains several tables, charts and diagrams, and Dr. Williams also includes basic information about the human body that is of great help for the reader.The Organic Chemistry Tu tor is very helpful in managing stress and provides you the complete information about the different elements in the human body and the ways they affect the rest of the system. The book also includes short essays that provide vital information about the common stresses in life and the effects that these stressors have on the body. The eBook also contains several topics in which you can learn how to control your stress and the use of relaxation techniques.The Organic Chemistry Tutor provides very helpful information and a very authentic guide to the topics in which you can learn. I am happy to find that people are beginning to realize the importance of the mind and also that there are people who have made it a profession to study the natural science of stress.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

ACT Online Scores Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

ACT Online Scores Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace ACT is a standardized test taken by high school students to gain admissions in colleges and universities in the United States. ACT test scores are highly reliable and are recognized by all universities in the United States. The fastest method of registration is the online method and students can register online on ACTs official website by following simple instructions. ACT test is conducted many times a year and therefore students can choose their test date accordingly and the test location as per their convenience. ACT test consists of 4 main sections: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science Reasoning. The English section is of 45 minutes and there are 75 questions. The Mathematics section consists of 60 questions and the time given is 60 minutes. The Reading section is of 35 minutes and contains four 10-question passages. The Science Reasoning section is also of 35 minutes and contains passages with a total of 40 questions. There is an optional Writing section of 30 minutes and s tudents can take this test along with the 4 sections as well. ACT test scores can be viewed online through the students ACT Web Account. After each national or international test date, most students can view their scores online within 2 weeks and the scores are normally released within 3 to 8 weeks after each test date. The test score of every student is kept confidential and after receiving the scores, students can send them to their desired colleges or universities and can even order few more copies of their scores.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Write a Cover Letter

How to Write a Cover Letter Job Application Stumbling Blocks: The Cover Letter ChaptersWhat’s In a Letter?Cover Letter ParticularsThe Do’s and Don’ts of Cover LettersMany people new to the job market think cover letters are overkill. After all, you’ve filled out the application that asks for all of your professional information and you’ve attached a resume that covers just about everything else.What’s the point of this letter, then? Especially when all of the experts caution against being both too friendly and too formal in tone?The history of the resume cover letter is substantially shorter than that of the document it covers.Some unpopular theories about how the cover letter came about include that it was indeed meant to cover sensitive information â€" keep it hidden from prying eyes and, because it was usually handwritten, it served as a means of judging a man’s character by the way he wrote.Presumably, the competitive job applicant would have a typed resume, possibly ‘done up’ by a resume service or a typing service.Cover letters came into vogue in the early 20th century and have lingered to torture prospective employees ever since.And you, with so little to put on your resume to begin with, must be going mad trying to figure out what to put in your cover letter that isn’t already included in the other, more important document you just agonised over.Heave a sigh of relief, for your Superprof will now shed light on how you too can write an attention-grabbing cover letter.The tea is now cooling in its mug. The hiring manager kicks back in the chair, picks up the intriguing resume and reads all two pages.Finally, s/he flips the cover letter back over and reads it from beginning to end.If the ‘right stuff’ is missing from this cover letter, that candidate may or may not be treated to a phone interview; it depends on what other goodies can be found in that pile of resumes. Hiring managers look over tons of resumes and cover letters before selecting interview candidates Image by Sue Styles from PixabayWhat’s the right stuff?What you write in your cover letter are facts and details (not minute ones!) that you’ve not had room to record anywhere else in your application or CV.A crucial factor in determining if a job applicant merits an interview is whether s/he has investigated the company s/he is applying to.Most online job application services provide a field for you to check a box in response to the question: “Where did you hear about this job/service/opening?”, and they offer several options: “Online, Social Media, Newspaper, Friend...” and so on.Now we put the question to you: is that lone checked box truly representative of all the time and effort you went into, researching that company? Don’t you think your dedication to finding out about the company you’re applying to deserves more recognition?A paragraph such as this would do nicel y for your cover letter’s opening paragraph:“When I saw your advert in the online ‘Jobs for Students’ page, I discovered that XYZ company operates within the strictest environmental guidelines. As a graduate student working on Earth and Environmental Science degree, you can imagine that I would be overjoyed to learn how you are putting technical knowledge into practice.”What does such an opening paragraph do for you?First, you’ve disclosed where you learned about the position you’re applying for; that is an important inclusion into your cover letter; it lets companies know which of their advertising gambits are most successful.Next, you’ve revealed that you’re not just blindly applying to a company so you can have a job; you’ve already bought into the company by researching it.Finally, you’ve provided a vital link between yourself and the company you’ve applied to; as you prepare for the phone interview you will surely have, you can check the question ‘Why do you want to work with us?’ off your list.That is a question you will likely be asked at a job interview. You should give time and consideration to writing a good cover letter; making notes is a good first step Image by StartupStockPhotos from PixabayCover Letter ParticularsAlthough this letter allows you to be a bit more personable during the admittedly impersonal job application process, you must never lose sight of the fact that it is fundamentally a business letter.Business letters follow a certain format, all aligned with the left margin:The sender’s name and contact details in the top left corner (that would be you, in this case)The dateThe company’s and HR’s contact information - address, phone number with extension, etc.A subject lineA greetingThe body of the letter.A closing lineA salutationYour signatureEverything in a cover letter format is standard on a business letter. However, the body of a cover letter should look a little different; for one, your letter should have no more than three paragraphs.Now, for a time-saving tip: seeing as you will most likely apply for mor e than one job in your life, you might create a cover letter template using this format so that you can adapt it (and your CV) for different jobs.The first paragraph of your cover letter should be devoted to how you came across the job posting and connecting yourself to the job you’re applying for but beware: simply writing “I saw your ad in Student Times and I wanted to apply for it” will earn your CV a quick trip to the bottom of the pile.Give something for your future employer to warm up to the idea that you are the best fit for the job.Your second paragraph should go on to describe the reasons you are such a good candidate, and they may be presented in bullet points. You may even use a bold font to highlight a particularly fitting experience or aspect of your character.Just be careful to ‘bold’ the occasional word or phrase, not entire lines.Your closing paragraph should sum up what you said in the previous two but, please: do not write ‘Like I said above...’. Make use of a thesaurus or ask for help in rephrasing previously-expressed ideas so that they don’t appear repetitive. This is also where you request your interview (more on that later).Writing a cover letter gives you a bit of leeway to showcase your accomplishments and describe in more detail your interest in the position and how you perfectly you fit the job requirements. This could be the result if you do not research the position you are applying for! Image by Robin Higgins from PixabayThe Do’s and Don’ts of Cover LettersSome career advice websites say ‘Aye’ and others say ‘Nay’; quite possibly, the answer lies somewhere in between.The question is: does anybody actually read all of those cover letters?More often than not, the process works as described above: your prospective employer will first scan your curriculum vitae for qualifications and relevant skills. If you have listed what s/he is looking for, s/he will then skim your cover letter for supporting information.Possibly the only time your cover letter will fall under intense scrutiny is if a body makes hiring decisions instead of just one person.To stand out from all the other applicants, you must ensure your resume and cover letter are peerless. To that end, you may want to know how to write an exceptional resume.It’s rather odd that the tips for effective cover letter writing mirror what your elders have always told you to do before stepping out of the house:Always make sure you proofread your work; in fact, you should have more than one set of eyes look it over â€" not just the body of the letter but the entire thing.There would be little that could be worse than writing your contact information incorrectly, making it impossible for your potential employer to contact you!Sign your letter; don’t simply rely on a computer font. Also, minimise any signature flourishes â€" large swoops or circled ‘I’ dots.Make sure that you address the letter to the correct person. Even ‘To whom it might concern’ would be better than addressing, say, the digital marketing manager by mistake. Although, if at all possible, try to avoid that ‘concern’ phrase.Watch your tone! Being confident is good; being cocky, not so much. Likewise with formality. You don’t want to strike a haughty note but you don’t want to sound as if you’d like to interview over a pin t, either.Don’t forget to ask for an interview!Crafty job seekers include ‘delighted to meet with you to discuss…’ or similar; you’re not being forward in requesting your interview, merely assertive.Finally: whatever you do, don’t forget to send your CV along with your cover letter! You wouldn’t believe how often that happens… but not to you because you’ll remember to upload everything, right?Now learn how to write the ‘thank you’ letter that will win you a second interview…

What Are The Best Apps To Learn Dutch

What Are The Best Apps To Learn Dutch Learn Dutch Online Through Dutch Apps ChaptersWhat Are The Best Apps To Learn Dutch?The Benefits Of Using Apps To Learn DutchLearning a language can be a difficult process. This is because it takes a lot of time and dedication to truly become fluent in a language if you are a non-native speaker and a complete beginner.One of the many reasons why learning a language can be so hard is the fact that there’s just so much to learn, regardless of which foreign language you choose to study. When you consider all the verbs, tenses, nouns, syntax, adjectives, conjugators, as well as expressions and turns of phrase that you would ultimately have to master to become fluent, it seems like learning a new language is an almost impossible task.Thankfully, it really doesn’t need to be, and almost anyone can improve their understanding and ability in a foreign language if they set themselves manageable learning goals that aren’t overwhelming.One of the ways millions of people have taken to improve their understanding of a new langu age is through the use of online apps. There are plenty of reasons why these language learning apps are popular:In the digital age, our phones or tablets are almost always near us, meaning that language learning apps are within easy access;Many apps don’t require a huge time commitment, which means people can learn at their own pace without pressure; andThey act almost as a personal language tutor, as they often teach you the fundamentals and more advanced aspects of a new language â€" whether that’s grammar, verb conjugation, or pronunciation tips.As a result, it makes sense to consider using an app if you’re thinking about learning Dutch as a language. There are plenty of different reasons why you might want to learn Dutch as a foreign language.For example, Dutch actually comes from the same language tree as English and German, meaning that native English speakers will have a much easier time learning Dutch compared to other languages, such as romance languages like Spanish or Italian.Have a look at the best translation apps.Equally, once you’ve learnt Dutch, you should also find it much easier to learn Afrikaans, so essentially you can easily learn an additional language without a lot of extra effort required, which is always nice to hear!Below we outline some of the best apps you may want to research if you’re looking to take a Dutch language course by making the most of what technology has to offer.You can find different apps to learn Dutch using your phone. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, stevepb, Pixabay)It’s usually a cheaper way of learning a new language compared to hiring a tutor or paying to attend group language classes; andIt's  accessible for both total beginners as well as intermediate or advanced level speakers, as often there are tests and course materials available for more experienced learners that allow the learner to bypass the initial language lessons that cover the basics.What’s more, the vast majority of language learning apps of fer lessons in more than one language. So if you’ve decided that you would like to learn another language besides Dutch, either at the same time or once you’ve reached a certain proficiency level in Dutch, then it’s very easy to learn a new language with the same app.If you don't like the idea of using Dutch apps to improve your level of Dutch, there are other ways to learn the language. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, Pexels, Pixabay)What If I Don’t Like The Idea Of Using An App?There are many different ways that you can learn a language, and not everyone will find that learning a language through an app works for them.For example, if you need to learn Dutch in a very short space of time, it might be easier to get tangible results by signing up for an intensive Dutch language course, rather than progressing quickly through the lessons that are on offer with most apps.Equally, if you need to learn Dutch for business purposes, then it may also be worthwhile to find a Dutch language c ourse that specifically teaches you this information, rather than learning more conversational Dutch through an app.Finally, some people just prefer a more personal touch when it comes to learning languages. For instance, some people may feel more comfortable learning Dutch if they are able to see someone regularly and work with them to improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, rather than rely on an online-only app.If you think that you would benefit from learning Dutch with the help of a tutor, then you can always turn to a Superprof tutor for help. Superprof has a large network of tutors across a variety of subjects and languages, including Dutch. This means that you just need to enter your postcode to find Dutch tutors in your local area or tutors that are happy to provide lessons on a remote basis.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

For Vocal Performers - The Art of Practicing

For Vocal Performers - The Art of Practicing Suzy S. Warning: file_get_contents(file:///Volumes/corp/design/00%20-%20Library/iStock%20Photos/On%20stage%20rocking%20out.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/csmith/svn/cfl/batch/util/get-blog-images.php on line 59 How many times have we watched a vocalist stand frozen and expressionless on a stage and been bored by their performance, regardless of how beautifully it was sung? Have you ever watched a singer and felt uncomfortable because you could see how uncomfortable they were? Vocal students commonly forget one important aspect in their practicing; they forget to practice performing.   While technique such as breathing, resonance, pronunciation and vowel placement are all important aspects of practicing for vocal students, performing or acting their repertoire is just as important. Once a song is learned, it needs to be analyzed.   What is the mood of the music? What do the lyrics say?   Measure by measure, map out a script for yourself.   What expression will you have on your face?   Where will you look?   How will you stand; or will you sit?   What kinds of gestures will you use and where will you use them? Once you have a game plan, it should be incorporated into your practicing.   So many times I’ve heard singers say they were just going to wait until their performance and let it be an organic experience.   Unfortunately, we all have nerves and 99% of the time this will backfire on us.   By the time you put your song up in front of an audience, the acting or performing should be second nature to you.   You don’t want to have to think about it in the moment. Practicing your performing will make you a better performer.   When you are a good performer, the audience will hear what you are singing.   They will enjoy your performance without being distracted by your awkward or uncomfortable presentation. Even the youngest of students can benefit from this.   Would you send a young violinist up on stage without teaching them how to use their instrument?   Probably not!   The singer’s instrument is their body.   It is the entire body, not just the vocal chords.   Teaching them to perform and use their body in an effective way helps them to feel prepared for their moment on stage. Being prepared builds confidence.   Confident singers are effective communicators of music. By Guest Contributor and TakeLessons Instructor, Christie Lynn Devoe. Along with being an instructor for, Christie has an impressive performance resume, as well.   She spent 7 years as a working actor and singer in New York City. During her time in New York, Christie performed in many Off Broadway musicals, several operas, on television and in film.   She has performed at Madison Square Garden, at the Original Improv Comedy Club, and was seen at the NJPAC performing “The Lord of the Rings Symphony” with the New Jersey Symphony.   She studied vocal music performance at Montclair State University under world-famous counter tenor Jeffrey Gall and music education at Asbury College.   She also had the great privilege to study acting in New York under the amazing Gene Frankel. Christie now resides in Howard County adives singing lessons in Baltimore and the surrounding area.

How to Get into St. Pauls Girls School

How to Get into St. Paul's Girls' School How to get into St. Paul's Girls' School? Madeleine is one of Tutorfair's top tutors, specialising in school entrance.  She discusses in detail the admissions process for St. Paul's Girls' School. St. Paul’s Girls’ School is one of the most academically competitive schools in the nation. Their most recent A-level results boast 94% of students received an A or A*.  This Hammersmith-based school also offers top quality sport and extra-curricular opportunities despite its highly academic focus. A significant amount of ‘Paulinas’ go on to Oxbridge or Edinburgh, as well as top U.S. universities (the school offers SATs and has a U.S. school counsellor). So what you should do first? Develop a genuine interest in the school. Explore the website with your daughter, identify opportunities she would like to pursue (academic offers, music, sport, societies, pastoral etc.), attend an open day, and decide if St. Paul’s is a genuinely good fit for you. Entry at 11 Entry at 11+ involves an initial, computer-based reasoning test, further exams and an interview. Girls will be invited to the further exams based on their reasoning test results, and to the interview based on these exam results. To get a fuller picture of applicants, St. Paul’s will ask schools for reports on candidates who successfully make it past the reasoning test. Being on good terms with your daughter’s current school will certainly help, as will making sure her teachers know her and her ability. Exam Tips: The reasoning test is likely to be something the girls haven’t seen in school before. This can make it intimidating and many girls, while capable, are thrown by the unfamiliar format. Reasoning ability tends to stay stable in the short-term. What will make a difference in a girl’s score on the exam is her familiarity and comfort with the questions. Confidence and a willingness to try something new are key. There are many 11+ Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning books widely available which will have the exact type of questions asked on the St. Paul’s exam. The difference: St. Paul’s is computer-based, so girls need to be generally comfortable using a computer. Students are encouraged to work quickly and finish as many questions as they can in the time allowed- they shouldn’t expect to ‘finish’ the test. The school offers sample papers for English, Maths, and Comprehension. These are a good guide for the level of difficulty to expect. What St. Paul’s is really interested in is a girl’s overall ability to think and reason independently. As such, simply memorising math and comprehension procedures won’t do. Girls need to be able to apply their math/reading knowledge to new problems and situations. An admissions tutor can also be useful to get extra support. Find a tutor for St. Paul's Girls' School Admissions  on Tutorfair. The Maths exam: The math exam tests this by using word problems rather than straight math questions. Learning about ‘how’ and ‘why’ math procedures work will help your daughter gain this thorough understanding. The Reading exam: The reading exam really tries to get at girls’ understanding of a passage as well as writing techniques. There’s a big focus on how and why the author writes in certain ways. In other words, girls should be able to identify and use a metaphor, as well as describe how and why a metaphor is an effective literary device. The Comprehension exam: St. Paul’s Girls’ School’s most unique entrance procedure is the ‘comprehension’ exam. It is not a reading comprehension paper. The comprehension paper is meant to identify girls who have been ‘over prepared’ for exams and may not actually be able to keep up once they’re admitted. As such, it’s not meant to be ‘prepared for’. The comprehension will present a wide range of ‘stimuli’ (articles, graphs, worksheets, anything really) and ask girls to understand the material and then draw conclusions and inferences from it. To prepare for this, girls should develop a healthy desire to learn, sense of curiosity, and overcome any ‘fear of the unknown’. Exploring non-traditional educational material is a great way to do this (for example, educational magazines). Interview Tips:This is where a girl’s genuine interest in St. Paul’s will really show. Generic answers to questions like “Why do you want to go to St. Paul’s” will be easy to spot. If your daughter has something special, for example wanting to pursue the senior scholarship, join the medical club, or participate in the Model UN, it will demonstrate to the school that she really knows what St. Paul’s is about, she’s considered it thoroughly, and has specific reasons to support her desire to attend.   Girls should be informed of current events (read the news often for a few months leading up to the interview) and feel comfortable discussing them. They should converse easily with adults and show off their intellectual side. The interview is not a time to be shy! Entry at 16 St. Paul’s also offers entry at 16. This round of entry is significantly more subject based. Applicants will sit exams in the subjects they wish to pursue at A-level. From this exam, successful girls will be chosen for interviews. These interviews focus on both academic and wider interests. Applicants with well-developed special interests (e.g. music) should showcase it here. As St. Paul’s has 91.3% A or A* results, girls should expect to have a solid foundation for any subjects they wish to take at A-level. Find a tutor for St. Paul's Girls' School Admissions. You can also search  Tutorfair and our fantastic selection of Admissions tutors. We also have  experienced 11 plus tutors. Looking for tuition in London for other subjects? At Tutorfair we have many different specialised tutors who are educational professionals. Simply search for the subject you need help with. Don't forget to enter your postcode so you can find the tutors located closest to you. Checkout out more Tutorfair  blogs here: Top 15 Books for 11 Plus students

Encouraging Your Teen to Read

Encouraging Your Teen to Read Is your teen struggling to pick up a book lately? With a teens busy schedule it becomes hard to find time to read. Finding the right books can be discouraging for a teen as well. Reading is a wonderful pastime for children of all ages, and one of our goals at Huntington is to help students become the best readers they can be so that reading becomes an activity of choice, says Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center. Parents can promote reading among teens by teaming up with educators and librarians to find ways to transform teens into lifelong readers. Huntington reminds parents that reading for fun has an ulterior effect: it strengthens this foundational skill for effective learning. The more students read, the more proficient at it they become, which typically results in stronger school performance overall, Huntington explains. We find that children and teens who enjoy reading are also better able to employ reading as a tool for learning new information. Huntington Learning Center encourages parents to nurture reading as a part of their teens life. Huntington offers a few tips to promote reading at home: Introduce your teen to your favorites. As your teen moves toward young adulthood, he or she might yearn for books with more captivating plotsmaybe even some of the books you have enjoyed as an adult. Suggest a favorite or two with appropriate subject matter. Let your teen see you reading. Its hard to convince a teen that reading is worthwhile if he or she rarely sees you doing it. Incorporate reading into your own daily routine, perhaps at the same time of day that you encourage your teen to read. Try books related to interests. A busy teen might easily brush aside reading for other activities, but you might have luck finding books that are related to his or her budding interests. Check out autobiographies of athletes, musicians or celebrities that your teen admires, or get ideas from your librarian of books related to high-interest topics for teens. Suggest movie books. If your teen is a movie buff, theres a plethora of novels-turned-films that might pique his or her interest. If you learn of a movie coming out that is based on a book, try reading the book together and planning an outing on premiere night. Dont skip that regular library trip. Even as your teens schedule becomes busier, continue to make going to the library once every week or two a regular outing. Create a home library. If you have space for a bookshelf in your teens room (or even in your living room or study) put your books on display. This ensures that no matter what, your teen always has access to reading materialand it sends the important message that reading matters to your family and good books should be cherished. Help your teen start a book club. Have your child organize a group of his or her friends getting together monthly or weekly to talk about books. Teens value the input of their peers. Discussions about books being read, whether in school or at home, can inspire members of the group to want to dive into that book. Huntington Learning Center offers individualized tutoring programs in reading, phonics and many other subjects. To learn more about how Huntington helps children and teens become stronger readers and students, visit

5 Ways to Retain Information for Final Exams

5 Ways to Retain Information for Final Exams 5 Ways to Retain Information for Final Exams Students at any grade level and studying any subject will have a textbook with hundreds of pages of pertinent information. Those pages will also contain things that are not covered on final exams but can easily distract students from the core elements or events they need to study. With all of this information to sift through its easy for students to become overwhelmed and give up. However, there are some excellent ways for students to recall whats important in their textbook, so they know what to focus on for those all-important finals. In many cases the teacher will have provided a study guide but, even if they didnt, the textbook would let students know whats important. 1. Bold and highlighted terms Any term or phrase that is in bold or highlighted is important. Students who are still learning how to discern important information can simply use the highlighted elements of the textbook. This can be especially helpful for students in younger grades who are still learning how to figure out which information is important and which information is not. Additionally, if students are studying for a cumulative exam, they may become immediately overwhelmed at the thought of reviewing 300+ pages. However, if students are only focusing on the essential items, those 300 pages will probably be more like 50 to 75 pages total (READ: 5 Tips to Avoid Burnout During Finals Week). 2. The glossary Nearly every textbook has a glossary. Most students dont use the glossary or dont even know that it exists. However, its one of the most crucial elements when it comes to recalling information within the textbook. It can be very frustrating for students to flip through page after page looking for the definition to a term from earlier in the semester. Students dont need to do this. Rather, they can simply refer to the glossary for every vocabulary word that was listed within the book. For the most part, the glossary will include every bold term throughout the textbook. 3. Charts, graphs, and timelines Students should also pay special attention to any graphs, charts, or timelines presented within the textbook. These things are shown in a visual element to emphasize that they are extra important. Additionally, students who respond well to visual study will be able to get a better grasp on these items. If students are looking at a timeline, for example, they will be able to tell when different events happened and how they correlate. Most students tend to skip over these items, but they are some of the most helpful elements when it comes to remembering important topics in a textbook (READ: 4 tips to study for a reading final). 4. The teachers study guide If a teacher has provided a study guide, students should use this as their primary organizational tool. In many cases, the teacher will choose not to have a cumulative exam but rather focus on more recent chapters or pick chapters they feel are most important to test student’s knowledge of. For instance, students might be tested on chapters 6 to 7, 10 to 12, and 18 through 21. If this is the case, students wouldnt want to waste time reviewing chapter 8 and 9. Students should always review the teacher’s study guide before starting their textbook review. 5. Determining key information from unnecessary information One of the most difficult study skills to pick up, regardless of the subject, is to determine which information is not important and which information is crucial. Although students can use the teacher’s study guide and look at the highlighted term already provided by the textbook company, they will eventually need to develop this skill independently. First, students should pay attention to names and dates in history, for instance. Important figures are mentioned by name, and important events include a specific date. Students can also look at how detailed the information is. If the textbook’s authors simply want to give a general idea or background of a topic, they will probably only discuss it for one or two paragraphs. Alternatively, something described in great detail in eight sections will probably be important information. With summer around the corner, make sure you book your Irvine private summer tutor from TutorNerds today. From SAT/ACT prep to foreign languages, weve got you covered. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

The Top 7 Resources for Private Language Lessons Online 

The Top 7 Resources for Private Language Lessons Online   The Top 7 Resources for Private Language Lessons Online Are you still watching entire  seasons of House of Cards instead of studying?If yes, then you probably should start booking private language lessons.It’s the only way to have a disappointed face looking at you until you do your homework.YouTube wont block you because you didnt finish the entire playlist of a language course.Nor will language learning apps.And a textbook?  It won’t know if you’re using it as a doorstop.Whether youre learning for fun, preparing for future travel abroad or anything in-between, private language lessons are a must.Along your private language learning journey, youll be exposed to new people, cultures and backgrounds.In this post, Ill introduce you to some top resources language learners use to find great language tutors.Before we get into it, here are a few tips to make sure you get the most out of your private language lessons. How to Get the Most out of Your Private Language LessonsChoose the right instructorIf you decide to take private language lessons online, selecting the right language instructor is the x-factor that will decide your success or failure. You should be highly selective about who you learn with.Getting ripped off by your first instructor can seem to create an unhealable wound, which might put the kibosh on your motivation to learn your target language.Passion for teaching, love for languages, charisma and experience are the most crucial characteristics of a phenomenal language teacher.  Your teacher can even offer you extra free hours, especially if you share the same interests and passions.Know what you wantMany online agencies and language schools offer customized or one-size-fits-all learning plans for their students. To make learning more enjoyable, ask your instructor to only teach you the material that engages you.For example, if your learning plan  includes a lesson on regional accents, and youre not interested, you can simply ask to skip it.Record your conversationsRecording your conversations wit h your language tutor will save you time, money and energy. Its pointless to rack your brain to remember the idiom your tutor used at the 29th minute while you couldve just recorded the talk and replayed it.Also, you can use the replay as a revision. Most tutors spend 15 to 30 minutes recapping a previous lesson, which can only take a few minutes (if not seconds) if youve watched your last class.You can use Camtasia Studio to record your lessons and save them to your laptop.Make sure you ask your teacher for permission to record your conversations for personal use.Ask for error correctionNormally, experienced teachers subconsciously correct errors. If your teacher is letting you babble with no regard for your mistakes, feel free to ask them to correct you. Error correction is the stepping stone to language fluency.The Top 7 Resources for Private Language Lessons Onlineitalkiitalki is a language learning platform that connects freelance instructors and native speakers with foreign la nguage learners.italki  hosts a roster of over 1,000 professional teachers and 2,000 community tutors who speak almost every language you can think of. The first category, teachers, is the most experienced and formal.Teachers are usually certified and well-experienced, meaning they charge more than the second category, tutors, who work for very reasonable prices to teach you their local slang so you can enjoy conversing informally.Based on instructors profiles (i.e., student reviews, video,  country and pricing), you can decide which options best fit your needs.VerblingVerbling is without a doubt the best one-on-one teaching resource when it comes to convenience.  With the dashboards all-in-one toolbox, you can review your vocabulary cards, schedule lessons, manage assignments and much more.Also, its integrated HD platform, Verbling Video, will exempt you from  juggling external communication apps and software. You only need to log into Verbling and get started.Verbling gathers top language teachers from all over the globe with whom you can schedule unlimited trial  classes until you find the right match.You also can access  Verblings community  between classes to practice with learners from different parts of the world.RypeAre you afraid of spending hours on learning and commuting to your traditional language school?Rype has got you covered. There youll spend only 30 minutes in every language learning session instead of hours at your language school. According to Rype, students spend only two to three hours every week learning their target language.Rype offers one-on-one tutoring with well-established teachers all around the world in English, French and Spanish.All teachers use a very down-to-earth methodology in their teaching, which can be adopted by all learners (i.e., total beginners or advanced speakers).Plus, Rype  provides all of its students with customized lesson plans based on several factors such as your goals and proficiency. Your teacher tailors your plan after arranging a free consultation with you.Live LinguaLive Lingua is an award-winning online language school based in the USA and Mexico.Currently, Live Lingua offers private language lessons in eleven languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Korean and Japanese.Every student has the right to take a one-hour free trial lesson on Skype. They receive a language learning plan and decide whether they like the teacher or not. A personal class coordinator will work with you to find the teacher that best fits your needs.Live Lingua gives you total flexibility when it comes to booking language lessons.WyzantWyzant is a one-on-one learning platform for students and language learners. With over 80,000 tutors, you can easily find your ideal online language teacher.After  answering a few questions about yourself, Wyzant will introduce you to  a couple of teachers that best match your answers. Afterward, based on teachers rates, revi ews, style, qualifications, etc., you can pick the tutor you like the most and kick-start your private language lesson adventure.All tutors at Wyzant are based in the USA; therefore, communication and translation wont be a barrier.TandemTandem is a free language learning app available  for Android and iOS devices.To pick the right teacher, Tandem allows you to try 15 minutes for free. If you like your teacher, you can start booking 20, 40 or 60-minute lessons.What sets Tandem apart from the crowd is its  selectivity when it comes to hiring new tutors. Every prospective tutor should be characterized by professionalism, knowledge and fun factor.Unfortunately, Tandem does not support web browsers. You should, therefore, use your mobile device to have access to it.VerbalplanetVerbalplanet is a fab community of language teachers and students from over 100 countries.Like most private language learning websites, Verbalplanet connects online tutors and language students via Skype.To make su re you stay motivated, your tutor will provide you with a customized fluency analysis based on your speaking and listening performance during every language lesson. This will also help you track your progress and set realistic language learning goals.Without a doubtâ€"online private language lessons are the fuel thats going to drive your language levels growth.Thats why you should start booking online language classes today!Lets  add some fuel to that fire!Yassir Sahnoun  is a freelance writer, polyglot and translator living in Morocco. He loves learning about other languages, peoples and cultures. You can learn more about Yassir at  his website.